Thursday, July 12, 2012

Paradigm Shift

Sometimes we just need a change of perspective.  I experienced the biggest paradigm shift of my life the summer I went to Africa.  It was 2008- right before the US economy tanked.  I had been married for two years.  In those two years, I had cried because my friends had bigger houses than me, my car wasn't new enough, and my clothes weren't cute enough, nor did I think I had enough of them.  The American way of materialism had poisoned me.  This was also the only source of conflict in my marriage. 

On our trip to Africa, our bags didn't arrive due to flight changes.  I had packed an extra change of clothes in my carry-on, but that was it.  It was beyond frustrating.  One night while we were there, I just wanted to go home (because I didn't have any more clean underwear!).  And then I thought of the children.  We were working with orphans in a day-camp setting.  Many of them wore the same clothes each day.  It was an eye-opener to me as I prayed that God would change my heart and my perspective on what I needed to survive.  (FYI- if ever traveling by air, pack an extra change of clothes and all your underwear for the trip in your carry-on).

Every day we fed these children a banana in the morning, four pieces of bread and a drink called mahau (day 1 it was strawberry flavored and the rest of the week it was butter flavored?!), and an apple each afternoon.  They were so thrilled to have fruit!  It also touched me how they strove to get my plastic baggie from my lunch still had PBJ crumbs in it (someone told me that they may get more food at home for contributing to the family).

After this trip, I saw the world through different lenses.  My house is not huge, but it is a luxurious mansion in their eyes.  My car may not be the hottest thing on the road, but it gets me from point A to point B comfortably.  My clothes may not be the trendiest, but I really do have plenty of them.  My marriage is so peaceful and blessed from not having a need it/want it mentality.

Writing this post has been a therapy of sorts to remind myself of my thoughts and feelings in those days.  As time has gone by I have slipped back into my "I need more stuff" mentality and I want to get out of it.  It's so nice to have that experience to help me in my paradigm shift.

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